Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Comparison of Smart Bro, Globe Tatto and Sun Broadband Modem Sticks...

Hi? I just want to make a little review on this three broadband modem that being proud of by the BIG THREE INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS IN THE PHILIPPINES.

1. Smart Bro
2. Globe Tattoo
3. Sun Broadband 

Let's judge the first one, Smart Bro, the first Broadband stick in the country. It was introduced in 2008 with a rectangular shape with a miniUSB cord. I purchased this in 2009, at first... Your gonna love to use it... (from surf, watch videos, social status etc.) because it is too fast and of course it worth P999 on the market and for prepaid use (my mother hates monthy hectic bills thats why she chooses to bought it in prepaid than postpaid plan).
At first it was fast but heres now the problem, after long period of usage its getting slower and slower... and even a single download and upload rate doesn't increase up to 20 kbps and if your lucky it is stuck to 0 kbps and your P30 load will be going to get waste! But fortunately the modem didn't last long... after 5 months of usage... I smashes it with a sledgehammer!

Let's talk about the second one, the Globe Tattoo stick, the newly broadband stick in the market. It was introduced in 2011, I didn't purchased it because of the last incident about the Smart Bro that's why I borrow one of this from a friend, When I plug and connect the modem stick on my laptop, it was slow, definitely slow but not too slow just like Smart Bro, I was a little bit of impressed, not too impressed enough, because it didn't change its download and upload speed even in a longer period of usage. It was really a 4G connection. The current price of this Broadband modem worth P995 if I'm correct, and of course it also prepaid.

Lastly, the second Broadband modem that has been introduced in 2009, the Sun Broadband modem stick, I purchased it last month, and it worth also P995, my mother told me if I am gonna buy a broadband stick, try the Sun Broadband, at first, I was a little bit hesitate to buy it because of the Smart Bro incident, I don't want to waste another P1000. But still I bought it. When I plug and connect the modem to the computer, first impression... It is going to be slow connection for sure! But when I open a browser, WTF? Sweet Jesus, Son of Mary! I just shouted... AWESOMENESS! Because it is fast... So the commercial on TV is true... "CONSISTENT, FAST AND RELIABLE INTERNET CONNECTION!" That's all I can say about the Sun Broadband... My mother told me why she urges me to buy Sun Broadband than the others because of the network traffic on our area what I mean is the CONGESTION of the Cell Sites in the area. There are too many Smart Bro and Globe Tattoo user on our area because theres a Smart Cellsite in the back of our house and a 500 meters Globe cellsite also in our area. People doesn't too much use Sun Broadband nowadays because they think Smart Bro, Globe Tattoo and Sun Broadband are both equal. That's all folks!

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