Friday, June 24, 2011

Rebecca Chambers, the girl of my dreams...

"Where I could find you in this world, while we exist in a very different worlds? How could we meet and see each others? I'd wished that I'll met you someday in real life... I hope someday, God made promise on my wish"

Monday, June 20, 2011

The girl of my dreams...

Rebecca Chambers, character from the game Resident Evil, I was astound by her cuteness, her innocence, her beauty, her voice and many many more! I can't explain what's happening to me, why I am felling in love with this girl? What does she have? I cannot explain why? I like her too much, but how can I express my feelings to her? I know this is stupid but I can't fight this feeling anymore! But I know that we are living in a very different world, I live in a real world, while she just living in a world of games. This is really stupid! This is really stupid! But why my heart beats too fast when I see her? am I just too obsessed to her? I know this feeling will past by but I hope someday... I can saw her somewhere, just like the same as her, I will never gonna let her go away from me!