Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Dream that I can never forget...

I've always dreaming about our former house in Town of San Pedro, last month I've dream that we moved back again to our former house, we take a lot of our things on our house back to our old house, our former house in San Pedro was already demolished but the ghost of that house still following me...

and then I've dreamed again on that house again that I'm living on that house, it was too dark on the house, too much darkness covers the whole house and also our lawn but there are sunlight outside the our gate, so I ran and ran to get far on that house, because I'm so afraid, I'm running too fast but it was too slow on the dream and thats the story ends...

I don't know what it means but here all I can say...

A Dream that I can never forget... because the ghost of our old house haunts me!

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