Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Nightmare in the Afternoon

I'm was sleeping on the 10am of the morning and the 12pm of the afternoon, I'm just having a dream, I saw on my dream that I'm was on my classroom in our University, that there was somebody shouting and he shouts "Mga Tol!!! Bilisan nyo!!! Bilis!!! Umakyat kayo sa taas!!! Bilis!!! Kakaiba yung nasa langit!!!" When I go up to the top floor, I see the sky, full of clouds, Pyroplastic clouds, color orange and yellow, and I just terrified when I'm looking on it, full of confusion in my mind that what's happening. I thought it was the end of the world. One of my classmate just opened his Mobile TV on what's happening, and we find out that the Taal Volcano in Batangas, had just erupted, when I'm was watching on the news, I saw mudflows, rocks falling from sky, rocks rolling everywhere, and when I'm return to the my classroom, and when I look on the window, I look on the sky again, the color of the cloud's change, it turns to gray and black, and when I'm look closer to the clouds, I see human faces on the clouds, and when I'm woke up, My body freezes and I don't know whats happening, I take just had a another nightmare. It always happening to me every time I sleep in the afternoon, especially when I'm alone.

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